What supplements should you take?
It’s a tricky one this as there is no clinical study out there that clearly states that supplements work. Most studies suggest that multi vitamins wont make you live longer, slow cognitive decline or lower chances of disease. It just isn’t clear.
So before jumping in and taking them there are also a few factors to think about:
1) Supplements are always safe as they may interact with other medications or pose a risk if you have certain medical conditions.
2) Supplements come in many forms - pills, powders, liquids etc. they should be seen as an addition to your diet.
3) Some supplements do work - common supplements such as B12, Folic Acid, Vit D, Omega, Zinc will help with recovery, overall health, joints - how much help us mere mortals will never know.
4) A healthy balanced diet will always trump a supplement but I don’t see the harm in a nutrient uplift.
When I’m training full on 12-15 hours a week, working full time, cheating sleep and trying to be a family member I feel I need support with my performance and more importantly my recovery. This comes in all forms - a healthy diet, electrolytes, vitamins, minerals and hydration.
Currently as I base build for the summer A race I regularly take the following supplement:
A good multivitamin with botanicals - this covers all the bases topping up my already healthy wholefood diet - https://wearefeel.com/products/essential-multivitamin
A well formulated magnesium supplement - with research I decided on a 5 in 1 - helping with recovery and sleep - I take this a hour before bed.
For my joints and brain health I’ve gone for a vegan algae omega with both DHA and EPA oil. I suggest google the difference between fish and algae - in my opinion algae wins.
If I’m lifting heavy or elevating my muscle stress which is usually at the beginning of training cycle I may take creatine but to be honest I’ve never finished a protocol as it should be and been strict. It also can make me feel nauseous. When I was in my 20’s and hitting the gym 3-4 times a week I supplemented my diet with creatine and protein powders. I got great results after 6 months of training but you could never really know how much it helped. Clearly reading articles on this you should assess your protein intake based on your goals, training volume, weight and overall health. For me I would prefer to see my athletes eat healthy and incorporate from other nutritious sources.
On that note I like to fast - usually 16 hours every day if my training volume is low and my body is happy to skip a meal. I have found an amino acid supplement which does not break your fast - so I take this instead of my breakfast after a morning workout to help recovery.
Finally I consume a electrolyte drink most days whether training or not. My go to is Precision Fuel & Hydrations 1000 or 1500 electrolyte drink. Trying to drink 2+ litres of water a day is a tough call so I like think this helps my body function balance.
https://www.precisionhydration.com/products/ph-1500-low-calorie-electrolyte-supp lement/
Now I know there are hundreds of brands and types and it can be a mine field but I reckon I have the basics dialled in for a ultra athlete in training on or off season. As always I caveat that I am not a medical professional and always seek professional advice.
A final thought - maybe it was luck, good hygiene habits, an ok diet I managed to stave off this winter cold going around so maybe there is something in it.